To complile HASERL,

which is a light-weight program to create cgi web scripts, so in other words a mini WEB-Server used by Coova-Chilly to present the login page.
First get the sources to /usr/src/ e.g. using sftp

check them:
Calculate the sha256sum of this file and compare it to the one below.

$ sha256sum haserl-0.9.30.tar.gz \\ 
01f9f942c58beb8eb6acd7fdbc5fa32e9156a9b8630992def7eb5a48c5f04b50  haserl-0.9.30.tar.gz\\ 

extract them:

root@raspberrypi:/usr/src# tar -zxvf haserl-0.9.30.tar.gz \\ 

Enter the haserl directory as non root user:

pi@raspberrypi ~ $ cd /usr/src/haserl-0.9.30/

Configure Haserl, this is quite simple, as non root user:

pi@raspberrypi /usr/src/haserl-0.9.30 $ ./configure 

** Configuration summary for haserl 0.9.30:

	Building haserl with with lua disabled
	Building haserl with with bash-extensions disabled

Start compilation with make (as root), this takes only a couple of seconds:

root@raspberrypi:/usr/src/haserl-0.9.30# make

Finally install haserl (as root):

root@raspberrypi:/usr/src/haserl-0.9.30# make install

Finished, so far, the final configuration for haserl is done in: Coova Chilli Install and config

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