==Check WLAN == Status WLAN0:\\ **//ip link show wlan0//** SSID's to connect:\\ **//iwlist wlan0 scan//**\\ or \\ **//iwlist wlan0 scan | grep //** == Disable WLAN Power Saving (“Sleepmode”) == To ensure that the WLAN is operational all the time and no "Power-Save" is kicking the device out of the LAN while idele disable the Power-Save option of the Edimax-driver.\\ For that create a conf-file: vi /etc/modprobe.d/8192cu.conf \\ And insert the following content: options 8192cu rtw_power_mgnt=0 rtw_enusbss=0 \\ Get rid of ifplugd, nice feature but nasty when the tun0 interface of chilli comes up and everything else goes down: apt-get remove ifplugd \\ Enrich the intefaces file with static configuration for eth0 and WLAN0 (Remember this RASPBERRY will run as a Server!!!): /etc/network/interfaces # lo Loop-Back Interface Config auto lo iface lo inet loopback #ETH0 Config auto eth0 ### ETH0 DHCP Config # iface eth0 inet dhcp ### ETH0 Static IP Config iface eth0 inet static address netmask network #address #network # WLAN0 Config auto wlan0 allow-hotplug wlan0 ### WLAN0 DHCP Config # iface wlan0 inet dhcp ### WLAN0 Static IP Config iface wlan0 inet static address netmask network gateway ### WLAN0 Security wpa-ap-scan 1 wpa-scan-ssid 1 #### WLAN SSID e.g "Your-WLAN-Name" wpa-ssid "home-sweet-home" #### WLAN PSK Key in clear text or as passphrase generated with: wpa_passphrase $ssid $clear-text-key wpa-psk "??????????????????????????????????????????????????????" ==Restart Network to activate new Configuration== sudo service networking restart ==Check Wlan 0== [[f11:technik:raspberrypi:hotspotdm3kb|Back to HotSpot Overview-Page]]