This manual is a summary of hints, tutorials, HowTo's and solutions from the WWW.
As this was originally written as my own documentation source links are mostly not noted.
So be informed that this collection of information can lead to a Hot-Spot running on a RaspBerryPi
but it is not absolutely bullet-proof.

Install Image to SD

First Config

Set up trunk WLAN with WPA2

Install APACHE Web Server, is needed for Easy-Hotspot

Install MYSQL Server

Install Free Radius

Easy-Hotspot install

Easy-Hotspot / Radius Database Setup / Preparation

1 Login to Easy Hotspot Admin

Compile "Coova Chilli" Debian pakage

Optional: Create a backup of the SD Card!!!!!

Compile and install HASERL

Install and configure "Coova Chilli"

Set up the Access Point for Guest-WLAN

First Test of Hot-Spot

Chilli automatik start

Add Radius counter

Adapt the Terms and Conditions Page

Logging and Housekeeping

  • IP-Tables to protect the local LAN from the Hot-Spot Lan
  • Erasing log files that are old enough from SD-Card and from Drop-Box
  • ???

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f11/technik/raspberrypi/hotspotdm3kb.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2019/09/29 12:03 (Externe Bearbeitung)
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